So, admittedly, this is definitely a week late. This was last Saturday’s activity. I blame accounting homework! But, I’m really not that sorry, because I actually love my accounting classes. Seriously, studying what you are interested in makes a big difference. Suddenly, school doesn’t seem like work anymore and learning becomes fun. Anyway, I digress. Back to the Krishnas.
Last Saturday, my roommate Jules, her sister, her sister’s friends, and I went to the annual India Fest held at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork. From the previous exposures I’ve had to the Krishnas, I’ve gathered this about them:
- · They are a Vedic religion (Krishna is an avatar of God in the Hindu religion).
- · They are peaceful, hardworking people (they have a llama farm on their temple grounds!).
- · They know how to throw good parties (Festival of Colors, anyone!?!).
Now, I’m sure there is so much more to learn about these people and their beliefs, which is part of what the India Fest is about. They have a pageant, or play, about the epic of Ramayana, which apparently forms an important part of the Hindu canon. Rama and his wife Sita, who are both examples of purity and virtue, run into all sorts of problems. Sita is eventually kidnapped by the evil demon Ravana, but Rama comes to her rescue and defeats Ravana using flaming arrows. That’s about as simple as I can put it. If you want to learn more, do what I did and Wikipedia “Ramayana.” The pageant came to an end with the burning of a 20-foot-tall effigy of evil. Basically, it was a large paper cutout of Ravana with fireworks attached. It was sweet. The lesson I learned? Evil goes out with a bang. Just kidding. Although, if you think about it, bad things usually don’t go quietly. They tend to go kicking and screaming.
Oh, how could I? I almost forgot to mention the delicious Indian cuisine. It was different (not your standard curry over rice), but good. I think my favorite was this pineapple pudding, but not like the pudding we think of. The texture reminded me of crumbly cookie dough.
On an entirely different note, I ran 11 miles this morning! Only two more, baby! And I’ve still got over a month before the race. This goal is entirely doable after all.
I don’t really want to end this post on a low note, but the BYU v. Utah game was teeeeerrrrrrrrible! Did the Utes sneak into our locker room and put butter all over our gloves (this theory is attributed to Dylan Bates)??? Sheesh. Better luck next time, I guess.
The effigy of evil! |