Disclaimer: this post has NOTHING to do with college
basketball. I’m sorry. Although, I feel I should mention BYU’s amazing comeback
against Iona. I know that’s old news, but it was freaking sweet. Best game of
my life.
I’ve seriously taken like half an hour to think of
everything that’s happened this past month. It’s not like it’s been crazy or
anything. It’s just been awhile. Remembered when I mentioned posting more often
so I wouldn’t have this problem? Yeah, clearly that hasn’t happened. Maybe
someday I’ll listen to my own advice. I don’t know if anyone else feels this
way, but I’m REALLY good at giving advice, and seriously awful at following my own advice. Maybe it’s because as a third
party it’s a lot easier to be impartial and see the entire picture. I think my
life would be a lot easier if I’d just figure that out. And there’s my deep
insight for the day, or month I guess.
I know this is lame, but I have to throw in a comment about
the weather. Can we agree, best winter ever!?!? It’s the middle of March, and
it’s 70 degrees outside. That never happens. I love that winter has decided not
to stick around (I’m knocking on wood as I type that).
So, I finally got to go rock climbing again. Candice has a
pass to the Quarry (the rock climbing gym down here) and you can bring a guest
for free on Fridays! Yup, I still love it. And since the weather has been so
nice, we can start going outside!! This summer is going to be full of rock
climbing adventures, I just know it. It’s definitely challenging and my
forearms hurt for like a week afterward, but the sense of accomplishment when
you reach the top is fantastic. Plus the belaying part is pretty awesome too.
Probably the most exciting thing of the month was my fly out
interview with PwC this past week. They put me on a plane Monday night and flew
me out to San Jose for an interview the next morning. Sooooo fun. I stayed in a
hotel just down the street so the next morning I could walk to the office in
the lovely California sunshine. These interviews were for the summer leadership
program, which usually leads to an internship, which leads to a full-time
offer. So really it’s like I was starting to interview for employment with
them. Anyway, there were eight BYU students there. I was the only girl. Kinda
loved it. Ok, really loved it. There were a few other students from Cal Poly,
USC, and Santa Clara. We were the last group of interviewees. I think they
interviewed around 50 people total for this program.
This is how the day went down. They fed us breakfast. Then
the recruiting team and a partner spoke to us. We each had an office “buddy” to
take us around to our interviews and give us a tour in between. I was with this
girl named Kacie, who was super cool. She filled me in on all the secrets of
the office and the best things about San Jose. Can I just say, I cannot wait to
move out there. I loved every second of it. After the interviews we all went
out to lunch and then we had free time before our flights back home. So our
little BYU group went to bask in the sun. Well, I got a call back the next
morning asking if I wanted to do the national program in Chicago, or the market
program in San Jose. Naturally, I chose San Jose. That’s where I want to be so
I want to get to know that office better. I’ll be back in Cali, July 12-13!
Can’t wait!
Along those lines, I’ve also been invited to attend
Deloitte’s national summer leadership program in Texas. Which is July 8-11. So
it looks like I’ll be flying from Texas to San Jose. I also have interviews with
Ernst & Young and KPMG this next week for their programs. I need to get a
sky miles number or something.
In case you were wondering, midterms went great. I think
I’ve locked in another 4.0 for this semester (again, knocking on wood).
And to wrap up this post, yesterday was the annual Festival
of Colors. I went with Candice and Jen this time around. We didn’t actually buy
any colors (because they charged us for admission this year! I guess that’s
what happens when 50,000 people start showing up for this thing), but we still
got covered anyway. I think this was my last year going. It’s fun the first
couple of times, but now it’s like “I have to clean up after this again?” Don’t
get me wrong, it’s super fun and you should definitely experience it at least
once. Just stay out of the middle when they throw the colors, unless you enjoy
being suffocated by holi chalk, aka cornstarch. I guess that’s the advantage to
going multiple times: you’ve already learned your lesson so you don’t repeat
your mistakes.
Two of my favorite people in the whole world. |
I have two, count ‘em two, weeks of school left!!! Ok,
technically it’s two and a half (three and a half with finals), but the last
half a week we aren’t doing anything so it doesn’t really count. Yeah, not
having a spring break kinda sucks, but I love love love getting out of school
so early. Only to go right back for a spring term. I’m just hoping it’s as
chill as everyone says it is. I need a break.