Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Real Summer

As opposed to what, fake summer? No, it’s just that this has been my first summer since high school that I’ve done exactly what you’re supposed to do during the summer. You know travel, explore, lie by the pool, maybe earn a little money at a part time job. The last two summers I’ve worked full time. Great experience, but man I’ve been missing out!! Seriously, this summer has been the best yet, even though I “stayed” in Provo. I’ve managed to make it to most of western North America: California, Canada, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. I’ve been keeping up on climbing, and there’s more of that to come. Definitely got a tan. I’m pretty sure this is the most tan I’ve ever been. Thank you high altitudes and never ending sunshine, although I’m digging the clouds as of late. I guess you could say that I’m living the life.

I’ve already filled you in on California, Canada, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. That was early summer. Then things got super crazy in July. I was gone for two and a half weeks straight! It’s a good thing I have such an awesome job that makes doing that so easy.

The next great adventure was Idaho. The car was not so full this time (there were only four of us and we weren’t going camping), but that drive, oh that drive. It never gets any easier. You spend most of it in the barren wastelands of southern Idaho and southern Montana (sorry if that offends anyone, but let’s be honest). Once you hit Missoula though, then it starts to get enjoyable. Then you see signs of life again, trees and lakes and mountains. Then I feel like I’m home again. Candice, Phil, Kyle, and I made the long trek Monday before the fourth. Looking back at the blog, I thought I did a post on what it’s like to spend the Fourth of July with my family, but it turns out I didn’t. Boy, you’re in for a treat today! Let me fill you in.


It all begins in the morning. Some mornings earlier for others. Coeur d’Alene has their parade every year on the fourth, and my family has staked out the same spot for as long as I can remember. Usually the night before someone goes down and drops chairs off to claim the shady spot on the grass right on the curb, then some of us go down early to lay out blankets. Now for those of you who know us well, we are a very musical family, so a good portion of us are actually in the parade, in the marching band called the Perfection-Nots. Basically, everyone dresses up in costumes and no previous marching experience is needed. I’m actually part of this group, although I’m not playing with them. Grandpa Bob can’t march the parade – it’s a lot of walking – so for the past five or so years, I’ve been his nurse and pushed him in the parade. It’s quite the workout, and my face usually hurts from smiling so much, but it’s fun and it’s good time spent with one of my favorite people.


After the parade we head out to Sunbar for the rest of the day. We play on the lake, roast an entire pig for dinner (this year it was 100lbs!), and have our own firework show. Usually the day before a couple people head over to Montana to get the good stuff. Go big or go home! This year we added to the fun with a Roman candle war. Phil’s friend Matt and his fiancé were there, so we went down with Candice and Kyle to a dock floating in the middle of the lake and shot flaming balls of explosives at each other. No big deal. But not before poor Matt and Haliaka tipped over in their canoe ride out to the dock. Better protection from the fire I guess. But they also had the fireworks with them. Luckily, Matt had a waterproof bag that kept them mostly dry. It made things more interesting. You never knew when your weapon would decide to go off. Yeah, I think I’ll be doing that again. Sooooo much fun.


Probably my favorite picture of the trip. Kyle, I don't think you're doing it right.
Loved hanging out with my family. I’m a pretty lucky girl to have such wonderful people in my life. Even if we are a little crazy sometimes.

The next week and a half was spent in Texas and San Jose at leadership conferences with Deloitte, PwC, and KPMG. At the end of the month I went back to San Jose for EY’s. They were all pretty fun, I met some great people, and I got a little taste of the different cultures. That’s really all I’m going to say about them. Recruiting starts again in September and by October I’ll know who I’ll be interning for this coming winter. Hard to believe it’s almost that time already.

Everything is bigger in Texas.
Tesla Model S. Completely electric. 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds.
Hanging out at Google!
The last adventure of the summer was to Montana. Holy cow it was a whirlwind (there Friday evening, left Sunday afternoon), but you can’t go wrong when my family is involved. Every couple years we have a family reunion of sorts in Bigfork, MT and it’s always a blast. Even the drive there was pretty amazing. Ok, we had to endure the wastelands again, but once we got off the interstate in Montana and started on the state highways up through the national forests, oh my gosh, breathtaking. I found myself at home once again. We had a little delay due to an accident that backed up traffic, but that was totally fine with us (obviously not the fact that the accident happened, but the break it afforded). It was nice to stand up and goof off, for the entertainment of everyone around us I’m sure. Crazy kids from Utah. We drove the rest of the way with the windows down and the music blasting. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but not so much when I tried to untangle my hair afterward. Oops. Still, I’d do it again.

Bodacious wind hair. Who needs a stylist?
We camped right on the shore of Flathead Lake, in this palace of a tent. Uncle Ken kept saying you could fit a whole platoon in there and I’d agree with that. It was HUGE. We had the perfect spot on the shore to see the sky and watch some of the meteor shower for the two nights we were there. It wasn’t even the peak nights and we still saw some amazing ones. We spent Saturday eating, playing in the lake, eating some more, walking around downtown, and eating even more. Seriously, by the time dinner was over I was vowing to never eat again. You will never go hungry in my family. How do we all manage to stay so thin? We must be blessed on both accounts.


Huckleberry ice cream is the best. Ever. Always.
On Sunday, Candice and I attended the ward in the area. That was probably one of the biggest wards I’ve been to; we filled chairs all the way to the back of the cultural hall. Not bad for a small little town in northern Montana. A returned sister missionary was one of the speakers in Sacrament meeting. Now that I’m almost 21, I’ve thought a lot about serving a mission, but I honestly feel like that is not in God’s plan for me. I feel like serving a mission would be good, and I would do a lot of good as a missionary. But the Lord has something else in mind for me, where I can do even more good. I have no clue what that is, but I know He does, and I trust in the direction He wants my life to go. So I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing. I feel like that is the right path and I know God will help me make any needed adjustments along the way, and I know He will give me the needed strength to go where He would have me go. His grace and love is never ending.

And that sums up my travels this summer. I caught the travel bug when I went to Europe and it seems to have struck again this summer. Clearly, I don’t mind. Although, traveling can be exhausting. It’s been nice just to sit back and relax in Provo too. In my down time I’ve been rock climbing with Candice. Lots of climbing. Lead climbing is getting easier, and less scary, but I haven’t taken a fall yet. Hopefully that doesn’t make me too reckless… haha, yeah right. When have I ever been reckless (says the girl who participated in shooting fireworks at each other)? I’ve had lots of time to go to the temple. Sometimes I get in there and never want to come out. I could sit there forever just thinking and feeling so peaceful. And it’s such a great place to study and seek inspiration. Someday I want to be one of those little grandmas that works in the temple all the time. Dream job! Work has been fabulous. I’ve also been going to the gym, getting ready for the Dirty Dash in September. Not that that’s anything compared to the Tough Mudder, but it will be great fun and you will definitely see a post on that.

Alrighty. I’m officially caught up. So many adventures. So much fun. So much happiness. So many blessings. So much life. Love it.

1 comment:

  1. i love this! and i love that your life is so awesome!

    i feel exactly the same with the entire mission dealio-glad i'm not the only one!
