Sunday, October 12, 2014

The week where I realized I'm still in Provo...

Hi there Presidente!
What a great week/weekend it was. Conference is always so wonderful. There is always something that really hits home. For me it was Elder Scott's talk about how to exercise our faith. Sometimes it's hard to remember that exercising faith really is very simple. We exercise our faith by doing the little things that our Savior has asked us to do. When we do those things sincerely and with hope that they will help us, we will receive the strength we need and the understanding we are seeking. It's not that I forget to do those little things, but sometimes I forget the "why" of doing them and the POWER they have. I'm trying to better remember that when I pray, read my scriptures, and go to the temple (and tucking that away for FHE when I get home :)). I also really loved Elder Godoy's talk. It helped me just reconfirm once more that this is where I need to be. Serving a mission is DEFINITELY going to help me receive the blessings spoken of in my patriarchal blessing - and that makes me SO excited!! Those won't come all at once, but I know that over time I will be able to look back and see the progress.
Thanks for everything President! We are so blessed to have you!

Our district at the temple!!

Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! How are all my favorite people doing??

I decided to start including the emails I write to our Branch President every week. Just another peek into things that go on here! I promise this email won't be a novel like the last one. :)
Just like I mentioned above, wasn't conference just WONDERFUL!? Oh, I loved it. And Sunday was definitely the best for me. I found so much guidance and many answers to prayers as I listened to the words of the prophets. As a missionary, I get to testify everyday that I know we have a living prophet on earth in our day, and in this past conference I felt that knowledge confirmed once again. I KNOW that Thomas S. Monson is called of God to be the prophet on the earth today, who leads and guides Christ's church. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in reality led by Jesus Christ Himself and that He directs President Monson to do what He would do if He were here on the earth today. I know that absolute truth exists. There is a right and a wrong. There is a right way back to our Heavenly Father, and He has given us the truth so that we can return to Him. He continually guides His people through His prophet. I know that Joseph Smith was called to be the first prophet in our time and was called to restore the truth to the earth once more. Once again, the way back Home is known in its fullness. I love that I get to share this wonderful, JOYFUL message with people!! :D

We got a new investigator this week! His name is Miguel. He doesn't believe in God, but he has some Mormon roommates and he is curious why they are so happy in their lives, even though they don't seek after or do those things that people our age normally do to find happiness. He's a tough investigator, but it's good practice (our teachers role play investigators for us, typically people that they know from elsewhere).

There are also people that the MTC pays to come walk around and talk to the missionaries here. Some of them are members, role playing nonmembers. Others are actually nonmembers. Hna Kroska and I started talking to this man and his wife, named Jose and Hely. They are from Guatemala. CUTEST people. Oh my gosh, I love them so much. They moved to California two days after they got married. Didn't speak any English. Holy cow, I can't even imagine. They are awesome though! We've talked with them twice now and we have another appointment with them on Tuesday!!

So living at the MTC is definitely an interesting experience. Most of the time, I don't even realize I'm in Provo. Several times now, I've looked up at the mountains and realized, "Oh yeah, that's Mt Timp. Oh right, I'm still in Provo." It seriously feels like an entirely different world here. Also, there's this fun thing called the mission time warp. All you RMs know exactly what I'm talking about. The days feel like weeks, but the weeks feel like days. Really though, that's a perfectly accurate description. It's the weirdest thing. Days feel like they last forever, but it feels like just yesterday I was sitting here typing my last email to you! I've got to cherish the time while I can.

Ok, time to wrap it up! I've talked your ears off once again. Sorry, not sorry! ;) I LOVE YOU!! I'm so grateful to have you as my family!!

Hna Chipman

Some hermanas in our zone.

Some more hermanas in our zone! We're so cute. Selfie Saturday! ;)

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