Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The week where they put me in charge of something (what were they thinking?? ;))

Hola Presidente!
This past week was a little challenging, but I feel like Sunday was just what I needed. My interview with President Glazier helped so much. I'm convinced we have the best Branch Presidency ever!! I'm realizing now, more than ever, how much I need the Savior and His guidance through the Holy Ghost. Because this is His work it CANNOT be done without Him. I'm so used to doing things on my own and having the abilities, more or less, to do what I need. But this is completely beyond me. President Glazier encouraged me to study prayer with the intent of internalizing and understanding better the phrase "Ask, and ye shall receive." I feel like prayer has been called to my attention a lot in the past few days. It is such a simple thing that I think it is often overlooked, yet it is SO vital, not only in this work but in our everyday lives. I am trying to incorporate prayer much more throughout my day. I know through prayer I can come nearer to God and learn to trust Him more, which will help me in relying on the Spirit during planning, studying, and teaching.

I am also very grateful for the opportunity to serve as the Sister Training Leader. I had been praying for the Lord to help me be humble and love others and I know this was an answer to my prayers! I look forward to helping and loving the sisters in our zone.

I feel like the MTC has really helped reconfirm my testimony that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that this is His Gospel. I don't feel like I've had very many "Aha!" moments yet (Character of Christ was definitely one of those, though), but I've had a TON of "reminder" moments, probably at least once a day. I love that. The scriptures mention the word remember a lot, and sometimes that's really difficult. But when we are surrounded with the Spirit all day - in our classes, in our studies, in our lessons, in the devotionals - we are provided with so many opportunities to remember and practice the things we learn. I love this Gospel and my Savior with all my heart. I am trying to do my best to follow Him in all that I do and say.
Thank you Presidente!! Hasta pronto!!

Pretty fall!! I love West Campus!
Holy moly, I'm already half way done with the MTC. Say what?????! Actually, more than half way done. We'll leave in just over two weeks!! Next Friday we get our flight plans and we'll find out whether our visas cleared or not. If not, we'll be assigned to a mission in the states to visa wait until it does clear. Half our zone is leaving on Monday. :( Their time has come. We're gonna miss them! And we don't get new missionaries in our zone on Wednesday so it'll just be 10 of us for over a week.

Like I said in my letter above, I've been asked to be the Sister Training Leader for the next few weeks. Basically, I just work with the all the sisters in my zone to make sure they are doing ok with the language, their companionship, anything really. It's been really great. I love getting to know the sisters better. We have some amazing sisters and we're definitely gonna miss the ones leaving on Monday!

So much knowledge!! But it makes me so HAPPY! :D
This past week was FABULOUS (I write the Branch Pres on Tuesdays here so the week before was a bit challenging)! Wednesday was probably the best day I've had at the MTC so far. The lessons went so well. The Spirit was definitely there. Lots of miracles happened. Miguel PRAYED WITH US!! Oh, it was so great. I wish I could describe what that felt like. SO powerful.
I started really studying prayer this week and it has been so good. I feel like I've tried to utilize it more throughout the day. It really is such a simple thing, which is probably why it can be so easily forgotten, but it is so powerful. Whenever I'm frustrated, I stop and say a prayer. Whenever I can't figure out what to do or teach, say a prayer. Whenever I'm just overflowing with happiness or gratitude, say a prayer. Heavenly Father wants to know what's going on in our lives! I mean, He already does, but He wants to hear it from us! And sometimes He is just waiting until we ask to give us a blessing. Here's your compromiso (commitment) for the week - say more prayers!! :D

Hno Brown told us that whenever we're having a bad day we need to strike a power stance and smile at ourselves in the mirror for 1 minute. This is my power stance. :)

So in last Sunday's devotional we had the head of the church media department, or something like that, come speak to us and he showed us a sneak peak of a video coming out after Thanksgiving. :O It's gonna be AMAZING! :) Did any of you see the #BecauseofHim Easter video? It's a short little 3 minute video about the Savior. I tear up every time I watch it. WATCH IT if you haven't. Then be prepared for an equally amazing video coming soon. It's so fun to watch the Gospel flood the earth!!

Playing in the leaves!
This next week we're moving back to the main campus. It'll be nice to not have to take the buses to get things we need at main campus. They're shutting down west campus and turning our housing/classrooms back into student housing. No more big exercise bubbles. :( They've been working on making more space up at main campus so they don't need the west campus space anymore. It was super nice while it lasted!! We'll only be there for like 10 days though. I think we can handle it. ;)

Alright mi querida familia y queridos amigos. Nos amo MUCHO!!! Say your prayers!!

Hna Chipman

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