Monday, December 1, 2014

An Argentine Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Hola fam bam!!!!

First of all, I´d like to give a shout out to my hermanita!! Happy BIG 18 this week!!! I can´t believe you're so grown up. And I hope you have a fabulous birfday!!!  Love ya, sis! :D

I hope everyone ate lots of turkey and pie this past week! We had our own Día de Gracias here with our recent converts and some awesome members. We made hand turkeys and wrote our blessings. Then we watched the Joseph Smith movie (LOVE that movie) and ate pie and popcorn! We made pumpkin, lemon, and chocolate pudding pie - Yum!! They loved the pumpkin pie. :)

Yeah, we made this pumpkin pie from scratch. Bosses!

So, this week I learned some really cool/big things. First, sometimes I wonder - why Argentina?? I would be a WAY more effective missionary in the states, where I already speak the language and understand the culture. Why would the Lord send me here and have me "waste" time adjusting to all that? Well, I think He wants me to learn how much I really depend on Him. If I were in the states I feel like part of me would feel like I could do the mission on my own. I could communicate and share exactly what I feel and think, precisely how I want. Here, I can't do it how I want. I HAVE to rely on and trust the Lord for everything. He wants me to learn how to rely on Him and follow His Spirit. I want to learn how to do that and better recognize His voice guiding me in my life.

Second, it really doesn't matter what the people are thinking when I talk to them. Obviously we want them to feel the Spirit and feel the need for the Gospel so we must be sharing with love, but we don't need to fear what they think. If they think we are dumb or silly or crazy, who cares?! All that matters is what God thinks and He sent us to share His Gospel and His truth. Every time I talk to someone, I know Heavenly Father is proud of me because I did what He asked. I tried to share His love with one of my brothers or sisters. His Spirit will be there to guide me as I try to share with love.

I love you all so so much! You are the light of my life and I pray for you EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

Besitos y abrazossssssss!  (kisses and hugs)

Hna Chipman

They even have statues of dogs here...
¡Viva España! :)
Thinking of all our blessings! :D
Rain or shine, here we are.
Lunch with our favorite Hna Romero!
She is an ángel. Hna Bermudez... haha

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